


Becoming a parent is challenging on many levels and one of the main challenges is finding time for yourself and/or your relationship with your partner.

SO many parents I know struggle with this. How do we find those little moments for ourselves – no matter how big or small they may be.

One thing I love to do for myself is give my baby his last feed on my rocking chair in a dimly lit room, with gentle piano music playing. I take this time to breathe and focus on 3 things I have gratitude for from the day. It’s amazing how something so simple can soothe your soul.

When it comes to my partner, I find presence is key. Take time to turn off the TV and put your phones down and connect. Even if it’s only a few minutes, it’s important to connect with no distractions and tell each other what you appreciate about one another.

Sending love and light to you all and remember — you can’t pour from an empty cup, so fill your cup every chance you get… even if it’s a drop at a time.

Breastfeeding is a journey!

Breastfeeding is a journey!

Breastfeeding is a journey!

I don’t need to explain to any parent how sleep deprivation feels, as anyone who has nursed a newborn baby knows exactly what I’m talking about!

When I first started breastfeeding, my flow wasn’t fast enough and I was using nipple shields to try and help with the pain, however this resulted in my poor little guy sucking so hard that he pulled my entire nipple up the shield and ended up with blisters on his tongue from the friction! He wasn’t putting on weight and we were both in pain when he was trying to feed which was incredibly distressing for us both.

Due to this, I had to learn how to get him to latch on without the shields, push past the pain and do whatever I could to increase my flow. It’s been quite a journey but my little man is thriving and I love the beautiful experience of feeding him. My only issue is that until now, he has been 100% on the breast and isn’t really enjoying taking a bottle which makes it pretty much impossible for me to get any proper rest. (I feel we’re getting there, but it will take some time.)

Being 100% responsible for his feeds is incredibly demanding and today, I am beyond exhausted. My whole body hurts, I feel sick and my eyes are burning.

This post is for all the Mum’s out there who are absolutely shattered, but keep going for the sake of their little ones. Putting our own needs aside to make sure our children are loved, healthy and safe. Some days we simply need someone to tell us that it’s okay to be emotionally, mentally and physically drained. Sometimes we need to fall apart and have a good cry.

It’s okay that we simply can’t do it all. It’s okay to take a moment for you.

To all the Dad’s / loved ones

If you see your partner or a Mum you know “having a moment,” I can pretty much guarantee that all she needs is for you to notice, stop what you’re doing, put your arms around her and say: “Sweetheart, you’re doing a great job. I love and appreciate you.”

And the Mumma’s… take a big deep breath and remind yourself that it’s okay not to be okay. And most importantly — it’s okay to ask for help! Give your partner or a loved one the chance to hold space for you while you say everything you feel you “shouldn’t.” It really is okay.

Embrace the unexpected

Embrace the unexpected

Embrace the unexpected

After spending over 7hrs in emergency following a weekend of feeling horrendous and suffering from abdominal pain, I thought something was really wrong with me. I’d had surgery for endometriosis the previous year and various health issues in the past so naturally my mind was racing with “what ifs.”

Numerous tests and physical exams later, the Doctor looked at me and said, “We need to have a different conversation and I believe congratulations may be in order!”

I remember an instant feeling of WTF, closely followed by a smile. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I looked at my partner and I could tell we were both a little shocked to say the least. (We even laughed and started looking for hidden cameras!)

I remember getting ready for bed that night and placing my hand over my belly. As I felt the emotion rise I said, “I love you already.”

2019 was one of the most emotional years of my life in so many ways and it tested me on every level. In the first year of our relationship, my partner and I faced grief, illness, injury and a “solid nudge” into next steps in our relationship — and it’s all perfect.

Life is full of uncertainty and we are all thrown into unexpected circumstances.

I couldn’t be more grateful for this, as although growth is uncomfortable — if we weren’t challenged, we wouldn’t grow.

3mths ago we welcomed our son into the world! Becoming a Mum has been the most incredible experience of my life and I fall more in love with Hamish and my partner every day.

I have been in a bubble of new bubba-love over the past 12wks so I had not gotten around to doing an official arrival announcement. I wanted to stay present and lap up every delicious moment with our beautiful boy.

Embrace the unexpected. You manifested it, so be present with it.

Say YES to you!

Say YES to you!

Say YES to you!

When we set a goal, decide what we want and start to manifest, there are certain paths to take in order to become the person we need to be to achieve our vision.
These paths are not always pleasant. These paths can be challenging. They will test us to our very core and stir up unhealed parts of ourselves that we need to work on. No, this is not easy… but yes, it’s worth it!
In these moments, we have a choice – we either choose to keep our eye on the target and work through our shit, or we can choose to stay stuck where we are, knowing that our vision will only ever be a dream.
How much do you want your dream? Ask yourself this when your shit comes up and when the “little you” wants to run, remind yourself that YOU manifested this experience to become the person you need to be, to land in your vision.
Saying no to the challenge, is saying no to your dream…
Remember this next time a challenge comes your way. How can you look at this differently?

Passion and Purpose

Passion and Purpose

Passion and Purpose

People talk a lot these days about finding their passion and purpose, and many feel immense pressure to do so. Is my life complete if I haven’t found this thing called “purpose?” What is it anyway?
Your passion and purpose is not necessarily what you DO, nor does it relate to $$! You simply find something you LOVE and DO THAT!
Ask yourself:
  • What sets your soul on fire?
  • What are you doing when you feel calm, peaceful, alive, content etc?
  • Most importantly, ask yourself “What do I LOVE to do?” The most important part of this question is “What do I!” How many of you are on someone else’s goal plan, or living a life you feel you “should” be living because it was the “right path” to choose based on belief systems someone else instilled into you? Did you ever make a CHOICE?
If you’re simply floating on the surface of your life and you’re feeling unsure that this mystical thing called FULFILLMENT actually exists – I’m telling you it does… and the answer is within you. Are you willing to go deeper? Your passion is waiting for you. You already have and are everything you’re craving.
“We lose ourselves in what we think is important in life till we realise feeling alive is all that is truly important.”
~ Jamie Gonzalez

Flow with it.

Flow with it.

Flow with it.

Just flow with it… easier said than done, right?
There are always going to be circumstances in your life that are hard to accept, manage, or process.
My question to you is this:
“What if you truly knew in the depths of your soul that everything was going to be okay, no matter what the current ‘challenge’ is that you’re facing?”
Ponder on this:
  • Would you manage each situation in your life differently?
  • Would you let go of the need to control these situations?
  • How would it feel to have the ability to completely surrender to whatever it is that you’re experiencing, and simply allow it to play out?
You can learn how to flow with whatever comes up for you, instead of sitting with the resistance of it – if you choose to. Some of the most powerful lessons and breakthroughs are in these moments and when we’re too caught up in the ‘drama,’ we can miss them. These lessons will be repeated until we get the learnings.
Learn how to flow, and you will flow to internal freedom.