Embrace the unexpected
After spending over 7hrs in emergency following a weekend of feeling horrendous and suffering from abdominal pain, I thought something was really wrong with me. I’d had surgery for endometriosis the previous year and various health issues in the past so naturally my mind was racing with “what ifs.”
Numerous tests and physical exams later, the Doctor looked at me and said, “We need to have a different conversation and I believe congratulations may be in order!”
I remember an instant feeling of WTF, closely followed by a smile. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I looked at my partner and I could tell we were both a little shocked to say the least. (We even laughed and started looking for hidden cameras!)
I remember getting ready for bed that night and placing my hand over my belly. As I felt the emotion rise I said, “I love you already.”
2019 was one of the most emotional years of my life in so many ways and it tested me on every level. In the first year of our relationship, my partner and I faced grief, illness, injury and a “solid nudge” into next steps in our relationship — and it’s all perfect.
Life is full of uncertainty and we are all thrown into unexpected circumstances.
I couldn’t be more grateful for this, as although growth is uncomfortable — if we weren’t challenged, we wouldn’t grow.
3mths ago we welcomed our son into the world! Becoming a Mum has been the most incredible experience of my life and I fall more in love with Hamish and my partner every day.
I have been in a bubble of new bubba-love over the past 12wks so I had not gotten around to doing an official arrival announcement. I wanted to stay present and lap up every delicious moment with our beautiful boy.
Embrace the unexpected. You manifested it, so be present with it.